Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz lag behind Trump with percentages in the teens, meanwhile no other Republican candidate can muster support of over 8 percent of Republicans in online polls.
For those who need a quick refresher, Non, a Kryptonian grunt, is traditionally a silent strongman. I am, of course, referring to Lucy (and Lois) father, General Sam Lane.
She also told CNN “The point is women understood that comment and yes, it is offensive”. Trump has called Kelly a “bimbo” and a “lightweight” for asking about his disparaging comments toward women he believes he has slighted him.
The Australian government says it will continue to work closely with the Myanmar government and partners to ensure that our humanitarian assistance is meeting the needs of the most affected communities.
In what has now become an infamous play, the Seahawks throwing the ball from the goal line instead of handing it to the heartiest running back in the NFL is a mistake that not only cost them a second straight Super Bowl victory but has left them open to endless amounts of trolling.
Justin Sullivan-Getty Images Google senior vice president of product Sundar Pichai delivers the keynote address during the 2015 Google I/O conference on May 28, 2015 in San Francisco, California.
So now that we’ve caught a glimpse of Greenfield’s insane transformation in preparation for his role as a drug addict in American Horror Story: Hotel, we’re all a bit thrown for a loop.
For two decades, NFL owners in search of public funding for their stadiums have often played a trump card: They would threaten to move their teams to Los Angeles.