Google is keen to limit the Right to be Forgotten rules – which are backed by the European Council of Justice – to relatively local waters, and while some thinkers believe that it is a meaningless system without global coverage, it is actively disagreeing with that.
The Federal Reserve’s decision to delay an interest rate increase last week was largely a “risk management” exercise to be sure recent market volatility would not become a drag on the economy, Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart said on Monday.
“To reduce mosquito activity and the risk of West Nile virus, the Health Department will spray pesticide from trucks in parts of Queens and Brooklyn”, says the DOH.
The malicious code spread through a counterfeit version of Apple’s Xcode tools used to create apps for its iPhones and iPads, according to the company.
As stadium sound systems rarely use turntables these days, we can assume that the DJ at Glasgow’s Emirates Arena had his mouse icon hovering over the Proclaimers’ iconic 500 Miles at around 4.15pm yesterday.
Entertainment Weekly reported that back in the day, the Heidi Fleiss scandal was big news, and suddenly, the young madam’s name was on the lips of everyone in Hollywood, and every studio was in an absolute panic that their star was going down with Fleiss’ little black...
Egypt’s Tourism Ministry, for its part, said the tourists had been in an off-limit area and had been using unlicensed vehicles for a safari expedition that had not been approved by the local authorities.
Addressing reporters after his introduction, Snyder, a former businessman who won two terms campaigning as a technocrat, said he is looking for a presidential candidate who is a “common-sense problem solver”.