India skipper MS Dhoni has echoed same sentiments and termed India a balanced team, adding that playing T20s ahead of the World T20 is helping his side.
So far, nothing has damaged Donald Trump’s presidential run – not the attention focused on his derogatory comments about fellow Republican candidates, not footage of him uttering various profanities, not even a verbal smackdown by Pope Francis.
The statement casts further doubt on claims by the Turkish government that a member of the Syrian People’s Protection Units (YPG), a Syrian Kurdish group, was behind the attack.
The agitation by the Jat community over reservation has severely affected railway services as 700 trains of Northern Railways have been cancelled so far.
SC was the final disappointment for Bush, who campaigned alongside members of his famous family, which remains popular in the state. At the moment this is looking unlikely. But anyone who spins that as some sort of loss for Trump is kidding themselves.
The officers followed the suspect and radioed for help, Bratton said, with officers responding from the 81st and 83rd precincts and Public Service Area 3.
On January 15, 2016, the Public Health Agency of Canada issued a Public Health Notice and a Travel Health Notice concerning Zika virus following confirmed travel-related cases of Zika virus infection in Canada originating from Central and South America.
“Romney’s backing will provide Rubio with the highest-profile endorsement of the 2016 race and is the clearest signal yet that the party’s establishment is ready to coalesce around the Florida senator as its last best chance to defeat GOP front-runner Donald...
Some news channels have claimed that the videos, which have been doing rounds on the social media about the Kumar raising anti-national slogans were “doctored’.According to official sources, the original video of his speech depicts him as demanding independence from...
A decades-old video has emerged showing Chicago cops arresting a young protester – who bears a striking resemblance to young Bernie Sanders – at a 1963 anti-segregation demonstration in Chicago.