The shooting is under investigation, the GBI said Wednesday, but initial information now indicates that Henry County police had responded to the wrong place.
“I am just so proud of everybody, man”, Thompson, who scored a playoff career-high 41 points including a league playoff record of 11 three-pointers in Game 6, said.
The UN says a total of 592,000 people live under siege in Syria – most surrounded by government forces – and another four million in hard-to-reach areas.
The Russia and Syrian defense ministers traveled to Tehran for meeting with their Iranian counterpart Hossein Dehqan in order to fine-tune their measures in the fight on Takfiri terrorists in Syria.
Yesterday, a spokesperson for the agency said it was “examining the potential suspension issue on the Tesla Model S”, with NHTSA administrator Mark Rosekind later adding that the agency was in “data collection mode”. Bryan Thomas, an agency spokesman said,...
“X-Men: Apocalypse” is projected to top the box office during the Memorial Day weekend in North America with approximately 80 million USA dollars of revenue.