Its operation profit is up from 34.2 billion riyal in fiscal year 2014-2015 to 35.6 billion riyals last year, said Akbar. The amount is four times greater than the one registered in the fiscal year of 2015, when the profit was QAR 374 million (USD 102.71 million).
Attorney General Loretta Lynch repeatedly dodged and deflected specific questions Tuesday on the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, referring Republicans to the Federal Bureau of Investigation director instead of answering them herself – and leading to...
The same group had previously hacked the social media accounts of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s Chief Executive Officer, and also that of Sundar Pichai, the man at the helm for Google.
Rebel areas of Aleppo have stockpiled enough basic supplies to survive months of siege by Syrian pro-government forces that cut off their half of the city last week, even though some goods are running out, an opposition official said. At least 29 rebel fighters were killed during...
Not only did Forbes find her booming popularity on social media worthy enough to feature her on their cover-and call her the new mobile mogul-but Kim actually cashed in United States dollars 45 million just from one game, which is like 40 per cent of her annual income!
A ceasefire in South Sudan’s capital Juba appears to be “largely holding, barring sporadic gunfire” and United Nations peacekeepers were able to carry out a limited number of short patrols on Tuesday, a UN spokesman said in NY at the United Nations.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Yousafzai has been in contact with a group of young girls from the Dadaab camp via Skype. But after completing primary school a few years later, her family returned to Somalia where she could not find a school to...