Ivanka Trump speaks on the last day of the Republican National Convention Cleveland on Thursday. Donald Trump “sacrificed greatly to enter the political field as an outsider”, she said, referring, perhaps, to his renunciation of another season of “The...
An ardent fan of Ronaldinho, Indian Futsal player Mohammed Islam says successfully tackling the Brazilian football legend was the moment he would cherish during the ongoing Premier Futsal here.
While discussing the reason behind the incident, Singh said it might be the bad climate of the southern region. In the latest development, the number of ships deployed for the search and rescue now stands at 17. The aircraft, which was en route to the capital of the Andaman and...
Darby isn’t the only tropical storm in the Pacific. Estelle was still a tropical storm at the time of the image, but was devoid of strong convection (rising air that condenses into clouds and thunderstorms that make up a tropical cyclone). All backcountry areas and certain...
Prosecutors said the driver Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who was shot dead at the scene on July 14, and his accomplices appeared to have been plotting the attack for months.
She quickly became a go-to key surrogate for the campaign, widely seen as poised and polished – with the unique ability to smooth out some of her father’s rough edges, vouching for him in personal ways.
The protests coincided with the 2016 Republican National Convention, and they primarily occurred just a few blocks from the arena where the event took place.
Seizures of assets by government authorities are fairly common, but they more typically involve sports cars, yachts and jewellery bought with drug trafficking proceeds or with profits from white-collar crime.
President Muhammadu Buhari had, Thursday, confirmed that his government was in dialogue with Niger Delta militants towards putting a stop to pipeline vandalism and violence being experienced in the region.