The U.S. military said Monday it has begun launching airstrikes against Islamic State inside Libya, a further expansion of the campaign to defeat the militant group.
Sources said dozens of people were injured when security forces intercepted a auto and bike rally at Adijan village of Kulgam in south Kashmir on Wednesday. It appeared that he had been shot from a point-blank range, the post-mortem report said.
Anton Yelchin died last June 19 after his 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee crushed him in his driveway due to what the lawsuit says was a design defect in the vehicle.
The finale of “The Bachelorette” on Monday is looking like it’ll be a very emotional one for JoJo Fletcher, and we get it: She is trying to decide between two people in Jordan Rodgers and Robby Hayes who she deeply cares for.
The statement issued by the government comes after a series of measures taken by the Pakistan government over the past two weeks in an effort to “internationalise” the Kashmir issue.
Ballots must be either postmarked or dropped off at a local drop box by Tuesday. Ballots are due Tuesday, Aug. 2. Hand-delivered ballots go into drop boxes inside or behind the Jefferson County Courthouse, located at 1820 Jefferson Port Townsend (office hours are 8:30...
The move to Juventus has made Pogba a better player and he is a player that is wanted by many clubs so it is not surprising that Jose Mourinho wants to bring him to United.
Leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain may have been given further pause by Trump’s refusal to reciprocate their endorsements. Obama questioned whether Trump would “observe basic decency” as president, argued he lacks elementary knowledge...