Gwyneth Paltrow Shares Her Secrets toStay Healthy and Beautiful
Gwyneth Paltrow is a well known American actress, food writer, and a singer. And she is a beautiful and healthy star. Paltrow has recently shared her secrets to stay fit and beautiful.
Born on September 27, 1972 started acting on stage in 1990 and began her carrier in films in 1991. After roles like Seven (1995) and Emma (1996) she gained viewers’ attention. Paltrow is the person who follows all habits: She’s vegetarian, believes in regular workouts and refrains herself from artificial things. Whenever she feel little down she may get cleanse done.
Recently she revealed her 365,000 Instagram followers about a new book that is playing big role in her healthy living! ‘The Body Doesn’t Lie: The 3-Step Program to End Chronic Pain and Become Positively Radiant’, is written by Paltrow’s health mentor Vicky Vlachonis, is the best guide for looking and feeling good. Vlachonis focuses on reducing emotional as well as physical pain which is because of our stress-inducing habits, from not getting enough sleep and of course eating toxins like sugar. The book has many useful tips by the author.
The first and most important tip is to get good quality sleep. It actually means sleeping seven to eight hours every night. The body is doing lots of important functions while sleeping like getting rid of extra Kgs and loss of memory. It also removes neural-toxins formed while we are awake. And importantly it slows down aging process! Isn’t it good news?
Next tip is starting your day with lukewarm lemon water which is very refreshing and fights off cancer causing agents. The author says “Meditation is like a highly potent anti-stress serum.” He recommends meditating thrice a day. Along with this he recommends frequent walking exercise essentially after meals. Those will help reducing blood-sugar fluctuations. And at the end the author adds importance of Yoga. As Vlachonis says, “yoga teaches your body to not overreact to a stressful situation, keeping you calm and happy instead. And the fact that yoga still burns calories is a nice perk”.