Free Healthy Meals are Available this Summer – Hudson Valley Press
Many parents across the area know summer vacation for the kids means an increase in grocery bills.
For the third year in a row, a group of people are working together to expand the amount of no-cost meals to at-risk children while they’re on summer break. July 8th is Summer Meals Day in Kansas. For kids living in low-income families struggling to put food on the table, summer’s bright promise has been replaced with worry, anxiety and the threat of hunger.
A kickoff event was held on Wednesday for a summer lunch program in Schenectady.
This year, the federal agency plans to continue encouraging more participation by both increasing the number of serving sites and by making families aware of the sites that already exist.
The USA Postal Service will provide information about summer meals programs at 3,600 post offices in high-need rural and tribal counties throughout the country.
The meals will be provided to children and teens ages 18 and younger.