Big Brother 2015 Predictions: Week 12 – Who Will Be Evicted?
Last Thursday, the episode began with the conclusion of the veto ceremony. Steve said it was handsome watching Liz fail the competition.
We are now heading into the most important “Big Brother” eviction yet. It’s not the type of competition where anything can happen.
SPOILER ALERT: Vanessa put up wrestler Austin as the replacement. But the course was on a chicken wire and maneuvering the egg was a hard task. Lines like these don’t sound natural coming out of anyone’s mouth. Would’ve been a decent way to expose Johnny Mac, who gave Austin the impression he was voting to keep him.
But he also said that he had fallen in love with Liz while on “Big Brother“. Will the Head of Household’s plans be shattered by the Power of Veto victor, or is it smooth sailing for their eviction plan? Van won two Vetos I have won two Vetos. She’s only been on the block once and she managed to talk her way out of being the target. She can stay with Austin/Liz or go with Johnny Mac/Steve. Time and again tonight Vanessa proves that as much as she thinks things through, she can’t seem to understand that not every deal made in the house is a binding contract.
On top of her obvious virtues as a game player, she’s also a huge character. He told Vanessa he would honor what she asked him for. However, she’s not an entertaining character the way that someone like Rachel Reilly is. She plays the perpetual victim. She’s at least smart enough to know that she’s the awkward fifth wheel right now, with no one taking her to final two if it came down to that.
Vanessa told John that she’s ready to make a big move. Ultimately it was Vanessa who made the vote to send her ally out the door, which brought out Judas on his way out. She now has a decision to make. She makes a deal with Austin/Judas.
Her nomination speech was perhaps the most frustrating part of the episode, though. She doesn’t need any of her Reasons to put somebody on the block.
But Vanessa wouldn’t be Vanessa if she could just own up to her madness. She says despite ups and downs, she adores Steve. They got to go backstage and meet Ariana Grande. She has so much respect for Johnny as a competitor. I think this whole experience has really worn her down emotionally.
Austin, Liz, and Julia planned to throw the veto to Julia so she could save Liz.
However, Vanessa secretly petitioned John to cast his vote to evict Austin, meaning Rousso would eventually break the tie as HOH since Liz would vote to evict Steve.
Maybe the other house guests are on to Vanessa. Everyone is claiming they are saying whatever they have to say to get thru each week. Literally nobody else wants that. It’s like this has been a season of stupid moves. For a “once in a lifetime” trip outside the BB house. Frankie is extra glittery today. Guys, did you know that she’s got a fragrance coming out? “Cry your eyes out Vanessa”. She’s so loveable and won’t lick your donuts, promise! What? Liz is the bigger comp threat; I seriously can not wrap my head around the strategy some of these houseguests have. They do an absolutely horrific job on the girls, as well. Liz chooses Vanessa to go with. Just one day later, however, John revealed his master plan.