Short lunch periods bad for children
The findings of their study, MEALS (Modifying Eating and Lifestyles at School), was published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
If the program had the same impact nationwide that it had in those Arkansas schools, the obesity-related price tag would drop to $69 billion.
Perry recalled times where students had to have their fruit cups collected because they were expired along with incidents where she was given expired milk and apple juice. That led to a wave of tweets from students from other school districts complaining about their food.
But clearly, this has touched a nerve with high school students no matter where they attend class. Officials said if any student has a problem with any food item, they have the right to take it up with the food services manager, get a replacement item or get a refund.
That’s pretty modest spending, but in the low-income schools where the Arkansas researchers studied it, it had a major impact.
She also said that the school district raised the price of lunches to three dollars.
The Prince George’s County Public School System rejects a student’s allegations that students are being served food that is moldy, unhealthy and disgusting. That’s a rounding error in the federal budget.
For high school students the monthly cost for a full-price lunch is $60, weekly it is $15 and daily it is $3.
Meanwhile, another recent study focuses not on food per se, but on the amount of time administrators allow for meal times.
Project Bread and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health collaborated to take a look at lunch periods to determine just how much of an effect a short shot clock has on students.
There are no federal regulations for how long the part of the day formerly known as the “lunch hour” should be, and there’s little national data on how much time the average school devotes to lunch.
Getting kids to eat healthy may not be a hard thing after all.
The results won’t shock anyone.
While there were no prominent differences between the groups in terms of main course, milk, or vegetable selections, those with less lunch time were significantly less likely to select a fruit. A lot of good food also goes to waste.
‘It seems like that’s healthier than getting a school lunch.
FOX 5 reached out to Prince George’s County Public Schools on Monday.
‘Think about the Elementary school kids who ate this pizza without a thought because they assume the food given to them is safe, ‘ the student wrote.