Seal takes a ride on a
A seal riding around on the back of a whale.
A photographer captured a very special moment between a rather odd pair off the New South Wales coast in Australia.
We like the pics a lot, although it would be better if it was Seal riding around on the back of a whale.
According to NSW National Parks and Wildlife whale expert Geoff Ross, it is highly unusual to see a seal and whale paired together in this fashion, though such an event has been recorded at least once before.
“The only other time was a seal trying to get away from a killer whale… the seal hopped on the back of the pectoral fins of a humpback whale”, he said, adding that Malcolm’s photos depicted a very typical humpback feeding.
The photograph was taken by Robyn Malcolm, who was on a whale watching trip at the time. The seal even found a good spot to catch some of the fish.
“We’d seen some amazing whales coming out of the water”, photographer Robyn Malcom told the Sydney Morning Herald.
Ms Malcolm said this was not the only interesting interaction she had with whales recently.
Though the image was initially being questioned and many termed it as fake, Malcolm claimed that he was unaware of the use Photo editing software, and the pictures could be verified using his camera.
September and October are peak season for whale watching in Eden, when humpbacks stop to feed on their way back to Antarctica.