Pink products supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month
About one in five breast cancers come back after treatment, appearing either at the same place as the original tumour or spreading to other parts of the body.
Throughout the month of October, Hungry Howie’s will serve pizza in pink boxes embellished with the National Breast Cancer Foundation logo.
The camouflage or pink ribbon helmet patches also will include the name of the breast cancer survivor or person honored, the year they beat breast cancer or the year they died, said Lipscomb, whose own mother is a survivor of the disease. All of the lettering and graphics are pink, the color that symbolizes breast cancer awareness. Now, researchers have taken an important step towards understanding why some primary breast cancers return while others do not.
The Bossier City Fire Department is once again joining the fight against breast cancer through the sales of specially-designed t-shirts.
Through the generous support of donors, the Society has invested more than $100-million in life-saving breast cancer research, leading to more than 26,000 lives saved across Canada since the 1980s.
No pets or bicycles are allowed, but wheelchairs, wagons, strollers and walkers are welcome. Head to his page for more information!
During the entire month of October, look at to see the list of participating Chicago restaurants that are collecting donations from their patrons in support of the Lynn Sage Foundation’s “Chicago’s in Good Taste” campaign.
“We need to do everything that we can to defeat breast cancer“.
“Within some breast cancers, a disruption in this signaling pathway seems to be advantageous for survival of the cancer”, Yates said. “There is so much I’ve done with my life – the running, the shooting, the driving, the gliding, the flying, the exploding of things”. During warm ups before the game, the Wolves will use pink sticks. Pink bracelets and Love, Hope & Pizza T-shirts are also available for purchase, with all proceeds donated to the Foundation. Your wonderful personality and positive attitude on life.
Simons is a freelance columnist for Pioneer Press.