Beware of fake ‘dislike’ button scam on Facebook
Many people took that to mean that Facebook will be adding a dislike button, despite Zuckerberg saying that such an option wouldn’t be advisable because it could encourage a Reddit-style system of upvoting and downvoting.
Earlier this month, Zuckerberg said developers are “very close” to making a dislike button available to the social network’s one billion users, but since then, no new developments on the supposedly imminent feature have been announced.
Last week, Facebook revealed it was developing a much-sought-after “dislike” button, giving it even greater insight into the likes and dislikes of its users.
Zuckerbergsays that he understands the awkwardness to click “like” on a post about events such as a death in the family or the current refugee crisis and that there should be a better way for users to express that they understand and that they relate to you.
By asking Facebook users to share the button hackers are getting people to spread their unknowingly spread their scam to their friends.
Despite what you may have heard, there is no Facebook dislike button.
HackRead warns users from clicking on headlines along the lines of “Get newly introduced Facebook dislike button on your profile”. Attackers and phishers often use the colors and logos of companies to make their fake sites look legitimate.
These all constitute major red flags.
The “dislike” or “empathy” button could present some serious challenges to brands. It’s not a thing, and it’s not going to be, so don’t fall for it.
Zuckerberg said the company is finally creating the “dislike” button because it wanted to allow its users to express its thoughts with more than just a “like”.