Energy secretary says it’s ‘foolish’ to withdraw from Iran deal
The United States of America has had a major investment in the Islamic Republic of Iran since the 20th Century, from ousting Mossadegh in 1953 to place a new Shah on the throne to watching the embassy fall in 1979.
Economic sanctions in the Middle Eastern country will be gradually lifted after Congress failed to stop the controversial Iran nuclear agreement last week. Maybe just a few months from now, he will be bold enough to act on his plan by initiating a military action and spawning a nuclear war?
Let’s put this issue on the ballot and let Oregonians decide if they want to spend their tax dollars directly or indirectly on state sponsors of terrorism. We are committed to countering Iran’s ongoing illicit conduct and will aggressively enforce sanctions that target Iran’s support for terrorist groups, its abuses of human rights or its destabilizing activities in the region.
Under current policy, taxpayers can’t receive foreign tax credits for business done within the country and shareholders are taxed for any income earned there.
During her visit to the Middle East in the spring, Capito said she heard firsthand from world leaders about the dangers posed by a nuclear Iran.
The United Kingdom was among six countries that, in July, agreed to lift sanctions against Iran in exchange for checks on its nuclear programme. They have steadily been building a stockpile of enriched uranium, completed an underground nuclear facility and repeatedly displayed their eagerness to bring destruction to our nation and others across the globe. “Unfortunately, it’s clear we didn’t achieve that objective and have only delayed – not blocked – Iran’s potential nuclear breakout”. This could be beneficial to the United States as well as to the Iranian economy. The sanctions against Iran gave us the leverage to get them to come to the table, and we give them up for what? Iran was responsible for the deaths of more than 500 American service members during the Iraq War.
However, President Obama is jeopardizing this relationship by stalling approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, a proposed conduit connecting the oil sands of Alberta with existing USA pipelines leading to the Gulf of Mexico. Front-runner Donald Trump called the Iran deal “one of the worst contracts of any kind I’ve ever seen”, but did not say whether he would kill it. In 2009, the world watched disturbing images of Iran putting down the Green Movement, which began as a push to remove the now former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from office, but later became a larger movement to democratize the nation.
The core problem is this: Iran can not be trusted.
Booker: “Make no mistake, this deal, while falling short of permanently eliminating Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, succeeds in either delaying it or giving us the credible ability to detect significant cheating on their part and respond accordingly”. So their votes will count, but not those of US senators? Even as Obama was sidelining Congress, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was announcing that the Majlis, Iran’s faux-parliament, “should not be sidelined on the nuclear deal issue”. Under the IPC, Iran will grant control of exploration, development and production on specified Oil fields to foreign contractors.