Pew: 88% USA growth to come from immigrant families
But the official current population figure for those who are foreign-born is 45 million – a number that factors in those who’ve since left the US or died.
“Differing growth rates of the nation’s racial and ethnic groups will reshape the U.S. demographic profile”.
The Republican presidential candidate said almost 50% of Americans would pay no income taxes under the tax proposal he unveiled Monday. Today, that number is 62%. The foreign-born population in the United States has swollen to 14 percent, or 45 million, in 2015, since the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, Pew said. Right now, 18% Hispanics, 12% Blacks and 6% Asians are part of the country’s population. Asians will rise to 38% of the total, compared with about one-quarter today, the study estimated.
Asians are expected to constitute 36 percent of the immigrant population by 2055, surpassing Latinos, who by then will be 34 percent of immigrants, the study indicates. As immigration from Mexico slowed significantly in the 2000s, Asians came to make up the largest group of new immigrants beginning around 2011, and projections indicate that will still be the case in 2065.
Bolstered by Asian arrivals, the on course to have no racial or ethnic majority group by 2055.
Today, immigrants make up 14 percent of the population, an increase from 5 percent in 1965.
That might seem surprising since half of all immigrants since 1965 have come from Latin America-28% from Mexico-but an “abrupt slowdown” of illegal immigration from Mexico has cut into that, the report notes, per the New York Times. It also employs census data to analyze changes in the characteristics of recently arrived immigrants and paint a statistical portrait of the historical and 2013 foreign-born populations.
In his 2001 book “The America We Deserve”, Trump proposed a one-time, 14.25 percent tax on individuals and trusts with a net worth over $10 million – a plan he claimed would bring in $5.7 trillion in new revenue, which he said would be enough to pay off the entire national debt. “It is really USA births that are now the driver of Hispanic population growth, and that’s a recent change from what we saw in the ’80s and ’90s”.
For the US public, views of immigrants and their impact on USA society are mixed.
“We have seen the United States change its immigration laws before”. But decades from now, it could be a different story. Asia now is the largest source region among recently arrived immigrants and has been since 2011.
About 50 percent of those surveyed generally view immigrants as good for the country’s economy although they also believe that many of them are also engaged in illegal activities.