IOS 9’s Wi-Fi Assist Could Drain Your Data Plan
Apple’s iOS 9 software is already installed on well over 50% of existing devices, according to what Apple revealed in the first weekend after releasing the operating system. You can keep tabs on your data usage from the cellular menu in the Settings app by using the “reset statistics” option all the way at the bottom underneath Wi-Fi Assist. Before the update, users had to manually disconnect from a poor network to use their own data and take advantage of a faster connection. There’s no way to attribute higher monthly data usage directly to Wi-Fi Assist, but there’s a chance it could be the cause of the sticker shock. But you can use third-party apps like Tasker, or BestSignal to force your device to switch to cellular network when the Wi-Fi isn’t as good as it should be.
That may be helpful when you can’t connect to Wi-Fi when you need the internet and you want to boost your phone speed. The company also recently updated its iOS 9.1 update, a milestone upgrade that’s now sitting in beta.
I’ll tell you up front, the point of this is going to boil down to if you have a lot of data to spare, it’s great and if you don’t, well, it might not be.
Switching off WiFi Assist can help reduce mobile data usage.
iOS 9.0.2 also features a fix for a quite critical bug where iCloud backups would have been interrupted right after starting a manual backup.
September 16 saw the debut of iOS 9, which improves the iPhone’s Notes app, News app, battery power settings and more, Fortune reports.
The blog says that the increased data consumption is not a bug, and Apple is aware of the issue – if you can call it an issue.
“If you’re in an area that has weak WiFi, it will automatically switch to your data plan”, Kelso said. After this you have to make sure that Siri will not allow access to your phone while it’s locked.