Lucas Co. Health Dept. holds first of many flu clinics this seas
On Saturday, October 3, we will have our “Drive-Thru” flu clinic at Hannah Crawford Elementary School (5444 Crestline Rd.).
In 2014-15 in California, 78 people age 1 to 65 died from the flu, including 15 from the Bay Area, according to the California Department of Public Health.
Need a flu shot?
It’s now recommended for just about everyone as well as those at higher risk of getting the flu such as younger children and older adults. “We already have seen a few flu circulating in this area, so really the time is appropriate now because it takes about two weeks for everyone to gain immunity after receiving the vaccine before they’re well protected”. The USA market will receive somewhere between 171 to 179 million doses for the 2015-2016 flu season.
“The H3N2 virus that spread last season was very different from the H3N2 virus in the vaccine”, Lisa Grohskopf, a medical officer in the CDC’s Influenza Division, told BuzzFeed News by email.
The CDC is confident the vaccine will be more effective given the added strain.
This flu clinic will be held at the Crawford County Public Health office located at 1520 Isaac Beal Rd., Bucyrus from 9 noon.
There is a vaccine available to everyone that protects against four strains of the flu, one more than the regular flu vaccine. Please bring along your health insurance cards. “This season’s flu shot and nasal spray vaccines have been updated from last season to better protect against the most common strains of flu causing illness today”. The flu often takes a serious toll in Iowa every fall and winter.
The effectiveness of last year’s flu vaccine was notably low-in only 20 percent of cases did the vaccine work, according to Itskowitz. But, officials warn to not let that stop you from getting the shot this season.
Doctors said those with low immune systems are more susceptible to catching the virus.
Flu Shoot-Outs are also scheduled for the following southern Utah counties.
In addition to getting vaccinated, it’s important to practice good hand washing and other healthy habits to help prevent flu and other illnesses.