Clinton backs potential no-fly zone in Syria
Bernie Sanders said Saturday that he opposes an U.S.-implemented no-fly zone in Syria, contrasting himself with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton on the issue. He told a White House news conference, “Typically, what you get is a bunch of mumbo jumbo”.
“Hillary Clinton is not half-baked in terms of her approach to these problems”, Mr. Obama said in response to a reporter’s question.
“I also think that there’s a difference between running for president and being president“, he said carefully, pointing out that he was having specific discussions with his military advisors about the right way forward in Syria. “If and when she’s president, she’ll make those judgments, and she’s been there enough to know these are tough calls”, Obama said.
In this September 28, 2015 photo, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. “I support President Obama’s effort to combat the Islamic State in Syria while at the same time supporting those in Syria trying to overthrow the brutal dictatorship of Bashar Assad”, Sanders added.
Calling for the provide “moral leadership”, Ohio Gov. John Kasich Friday called for the establishment of no-fly zones in Syria and again recommended a coalition of ground troops in that nation.
That’s a split from the Obama administration, which earlier this week said no-fly zones weren’t on the table.
To prevent further escalation and suffering by civilians and refugees, the US and its regional and West European allies need to establish sanctuary areas in Syria that are protected by ‘no-fly zones.’…
In Damascus, an unnamed Syrian military official was quoted by state TV as saying that the “concentrated and precise” airstrikes destroyed a command center in the central town of Latamneh in Hama province and targeted positions in the northwestern areas of Jisr al-Shughour and Maaret al-Numan. However, Support for a no fly zone remains very weak among the USA public.
“Putin has this opening because of the absence of any USA strategy in Syria”, said Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, a member of the Armed Services Committee.
A no-fly zone would greatly help the extremists. No way that’s wanted.