Fan-Made Trailer Imagines an Emma Stone Spider-Gwen Film
While there are no plans for a Spider-Gwen movie at this time, Sony was still reportedly planing Spider-Man spin-offs including an unnamed, female-lead Spider-Man spin-off.
While the news of a Spider-Gwen trailer may perk up fans, the trailer is just too good to be true.
It’s a little choppy in places, but then again, it’s not a real movie – which is a real shame.
What if Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacey was bitten by a radioactive spider instead of Andrew Garfield‘s Peter Parker?
For more on Spider-Gwen, check out our past interview with the Marvel comic’s writer Jason Latour and Marvel Games’ Creative Director Bill Rosemann about her inclusion in Contest of Champions.
Vulture’s fantasy trailer, which was directed and edited by Alex Coulombe, is quite an elaborate affair, culling footage from various Spider-Man movies and combining that with clips of other Emma Stone films, including Easy A and Birdman.
The Spider-Gwen trailer incorporates her hoodie costume into the story, along with a tweaked white version of the original Spider-Man outfit for quick shots.
Marvel’s Spider-Man will make his first on-screen appearance in next summer’s Captain America: Civil War.
The superhero movie genre remains nearly exclusively a boys’ club: this is the premise for the latest video from Vulture Mag, today’s suggestion for Viral of the Day. The icing on the rising Spider-Gwen fandom is the recent Spider-Gwen trailer release starring Gwen Stacy actress Emma Stone.