Donald Trump’s trying to get under Rubio’s skin — with water
Trump has repeatedly taunted Rubio for his GOP State of the Union response two years ago. He also threw in a few Trump towels, and a few Trump campaign bumper stickers.
Rubio has said on Tuesday the he wasn’t able to get Donald Trump’s prank shipment table water with “Trump Ice Natural Spring Label” on it.
Rubio recently started surging in the 2016 presidential race while taking targeted swipes at Trump, the Republican front-runner.
On MSNBC, he said of Rubio: “He sweats more than any young person I’ve ever seen in my life…” He’s drinking water, water, water. “I didn’t attack him – he attacked me”, Mr. Trump said. Yeah, I drink water.
Asked what he thought of Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders taking a similar position against the trade accord, Trump maintained the two still have their differences.
Trump’s attacks have been what might be considered “personal”, which typically would be seen as out of bounds. “I think eminent domain is fine”.
But it was Stephen Hayes who took Trump behind the woodshed.
Similarly, Bernie Sanders inspires leftist audiences because, unlike Hillary, he is perceived as being intensely honest in his desire to move toward a kinder, gentler dictatorship of the proletariat – once the bourgeoisie have been neutralized, of course.
The care package was sent to Rubio’s Washington campaign office.
Trump is like those caricature sketch artists you sometimes see in the park.
Rubio told reporters in New Hampshire that when he served in the Florida Legislature, he helped pass a law to block developers from seizing private property from owners. Rubio stopped short of proposing a solution to this problem, as so many other candidates have done, but he did point to Germany’s third classification-the dependent contractor-as one answer.