Earth Recovers in 40 Years from Day After Tomorrow Scenario
And while this particularly scenario would likely never occur, there may be a few truth to it.
In 2004, when the movie The Day After Tomorrow debuted, moviegoers watched a disaster film unfold in front of them were the climate on Earth was undergoing drastic changes resulting in a number of extreme weather conditions that ravaged the world’s most populated cities.
By the time these climate events finished, the Earth was under global cooling & a number of people were just left to live in this new ice age. However, a few areas to the east of the North Atlantic, which rely up on the warm water brought north by the Gulf Stream for their mild climate, take longer to recover.
Professor Drijfhout said: “The planet earth recovers from the AMOC collapse in about 40 years when global warming continues at present-day rates, but near the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic (including the British Isles) it takes more than a century before temperature is back to normal”.
Prof Drijfhout used a German climate model called ECHAM to analyse the impact of such a weather event as shown in the film, which was criticised by climate scientists on its release. This means that if global warming continues without an AMOC collpase, the global average temeperature will be offset to 0.8 degrees Celsius.
To the contrary, the study claims that the recent warming period is one which simply can not be attributed to a single cause.
Professor Drijfhout discovered that if a sudden collapse would transpire no thanks to the adverse effects of global warming, the earth would cool down, instead of it will get warm.
“It can be excluded, however, that this hiatus period was exclusively caused by changes in atmospheric forcing, either due to volcanic eruptions, more aerosols emissions in Asia, or reduced greenhouse gas emissions”, said Sybren.
Rather than the flow moving into the oceans on Earth from the atmosphere, it moves from the large bodies of water to the atmosphere. “A similar reversal of energy flow is also visible at the top of the atmosphere”, Drijfhout explained.
The researcher added that these diverse fingerprints in the flow of energy between internal ocean circulation procedures and atmospheric radiative forcing allowed us to locate a suitable cause for a climate hiatus. Due to the El Niño phenomenon along wth significant changes in the Southern Ocean in the Antarctic region, ocean temperatures and levels are constantly shifting and increasing.