Mom scolds hospital staffer for comment to her injured 4-year-old
When the little girl arrived at the local children’s hospital with her mom, Merritt Smith, the man at the registration desk told the tot: “I bet he likes you”. “It is time to take responsibility for the message we as a society give our children”.
When I went to my teacher to complain about Jeff’s nonstop harassment, she laughed and patted me on the shoulder, saying, “He probably just likes you!”
Kids need the opportunity in childhood to have friendships with boys or girls, regardless of their gender, without grownups introducing the adult notions of romance or attraction.
In another post she added: “The hospital responded to my email”.
Draw a picture, write a letter, a poem – but do not confuse aggression with affection, she warned.
As parents, we have the ability to change the world by putting an end to harmful old traditions. “We are aware of a recent comment made by a member of our staff to a family seeking care”.
A MOTHER outraged by a comment made about her daughter’s injuries from a fellow student has taken to Facebook to air her concerns.
Since Tuesday, October 6, we have reached out to the family, met with the employee and their management team, as well as our leadership in order to understand the situation and take measures to prevent this from happening again. “Power parenting medal to you…for setting the example of how we should treat people”. “Preschool is when you are teaching children to use their words and teaching them about respectful communication”, she says. “This comment does not represent our philosophy as an institution”, the hospital said in a Facebook statement.
Being available to listen and support is a very important job for a parent.
It was an incident at school, one that obviously shouldn’t have happened, but the response from a hospital worker made it even worse, according to one mother from Columbus, Ohio.
Speaking about the response her Facebook post has received Smith said: “I am humbled and grateful that conversations, near and far, are being had”.