Tom Brady defends controversial personal trainer in radio interview
Tom Brady celebrates his 1-yard touchdown “scamper” against the Cowboys on Sunday.
New England quarterback Tom Brady is being criticized for defending personal trainer Alex Guerrero, who has been guilty of making fraudulent claims. In responding to Minihane’s questioning, Brady insisted that he doesn’t know all the details of Guerrero’s past woes with the government, which Guerrero apparently regrets, but described the trainer as having “an incredible influence on my life” and that he has “a tremendous belief in Alex and what’s he’s accomplished with me”.
“In the 10 or 11 years we’ve been working together, he has never been wrong”. That I’d need a new ACL, a new MCL, that I wouldn’t be able to play with my kids when I’m older.
“I think we’ve been lied to by a lot of food companies over the years, by a lot of beverage companies over the years”. But he chose to follow Guerrero’s alternative approach and it worked: The following year he won Comeback Player of the Year and the next year was named the MVP.
Tom Brady defended his business partner and friend Alex Guerrero, who has a… questionable past.
Moreover, according to the Boston Magazine story, Guerrero claimed he was a doctor while he peddled “Supreme Greens” to cancer and AIDS patients, when, in fact, the only degree he holds is a master’s in Chinese medicine from a California college that doesn’t exist anymore. In 2005, the FTC announced a settlement with Guerrero. It’s Brady’s as well, especially if he truly believes, as he said, that his post-football calling is educating people on Guerrero’s methods. On Monday, Brady was still standing by the man who has been his business partner since 2013.
The entire Boston Magazine piece is worth a read for its meticulous reporting and detail over the various medical ventures Guerrero has undergone. But to here Brady talking so openly and critically about foods is a stark departure from what the normally tight-lipped quarterback has to say. I take different supplements to try to help my body recover from the rigors of the training that we do. It’s not waiting to get sick, it’s not waiting to get injured. Brady stressed that when it comes to health and longevity, however, it’s important to think outside the box and that lifestyle choices are essential to wellness.
“When you think about nutritional supplements, you think about other types of training methods and training techniques”.
“I know a little something, you attack the quarterback, you accuse them of doing a few cheating and things like that, they are going to try and put up 50 points and embarrass you, but they are trying to do that every week”. I take the Green supplement. It’s eating better. So much of my diet is based on an acid-alkaline principle, which to me does reduce inflammation in my body. We see eye to eye on a lot of things, and it’s a privilege to work with him. I disagree with that.
“When you say, ‘Wow, this sounds like quackery, ‘ there are a lot of things I see on a daily basis in Western medicine that I think, ‘Wow, why would they ever do that?”
You’ll probably go out and drink Coca Cola and think, ‘Oh yeah, that’s no problem.’ Why? Because they pay lots of money for advertisements to think that you should drink Coca-Cola for a living? No. I totally disagree with that.
“I don’t think it’s overlooked”, Belichick said.
But if there is anyone who knows that claims are not always what they seem and facts are not always how they’re presented by authorities, it’s Brady. I try to encourage all my teammates, and I sure hope that a few day all athletes – my kids, high school kids – get the same level of care I get. So you do whatever you want. We can live, we can eat however we want, drink however we want, do all these different exercises and think that’s a way to a healthy lifestyle. It’s interesting because I’ve chosen a different approach, and that approach works for me.