Katz: Capitalism Is Better Than Hillary and Bernie
While many media outlets and political shapers awarded the victory to the former first lady, Sanders’ performance at Tuesday night’s debate drew large praise and attention from viewers and social media users. Bernie Sanders, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee and former Virginia Sen.
By the far the most experienced debater, Hillary Clinton faced high expectations for the first Democratic debate of the 2016 presidential race. It’s clear that Sanders has struck a chord with the American people by hammering home the point that income inequality shouldn’t be as enormous of an issue as it is in this country, but he needs to stop exaggerating. “I will tell you right now, I will not be silenced and we will not be silenced – we must continue to speak out”. Trump, who it should be noted added more Twitter followers on the evening than all of the Democratic candidates combined, had his campaign cut a quick video decrying Sanders’s lack of “tough” or “strong” leadership on Instagram. And polls about how various Democratic candidates would perform against any of the leading Republican candidates casts a different picture.
Solid majorities of Democrats say Hillary Clinton won the first Democratic debate, according to a trio of new polls.
Mo Elleithee, executive director of the Institute of Politics and Public Service at Georgetown University and former communications director for the Democratic National Committee.
“I’ve been around it for a long time”, Santorum, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, said of the debate in an interview with Rose Unplugged on AM1250 The Answer. When Cooper asked her about intervention in Syria, she responded, “I know that in the administration this is being hotly debated”.
In the 1970s, she and her then-boyfriend Bill Clinton lived in San Antonio for three months while she was a law student and worked for George McGovern’s presidential campaign.
Sanders didn’t go after Clinton aggressively. Asked if she was a centrist or a progressive, she replied: “I’m a progressive”.
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are in a dead heat among likely New Hampshire primary voters, according to the results of a Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll released Friday. Bernie Sanders, the independent from neighboring Vermont, clocked in at %. Like many people, even a few Democrats, he forgot the debate was on.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign is making a noticeable shift in how it talks about the potential campaign of Vice President Joe Biden.