Clinton deadlocked with Sanders in New Hampshire
Congratulations to The Associated Press for noticing that the discussion of college costs in Tuesday’s Democratic debate neglected a significant component: the cost of the proposed solutions.
The audience applauded at her response, but to Cooper’s credit he pressed on and Clinton quickly gave a proper reply, perhaps because they both recognized it was not the best answer.
“At the end of the day he did okay”, said Smith of Sanders. Why did this debate draw even more viewers than the Clinton/Obama matchups in 2008?
I had forgotten what it was like to watch a debate where I agreed on the issues with most of the candidates.
Putting aside the fact that Hillary Clinton has received a lot of donations from big pharmaceutical companies, that’s a whole other post, when she said the Iranians are her enemies, frankly, that sent a chill down my spine.
“You think the Democrats dictated to CNN?”.
In this week’s collaboration with, Jake Tapper of CNN’s “State of the Union” tackles three claims from the first Democratic debate. Ms. Clinton’s strong showing made the case that Mr. Biden should hang up his political spikes and not launch a campaign.
But her chief foe for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders, has also shown he can generate excitement in Atlanta, in a visit last month. Sanders was called upon to address the Democratic front-runner’s ongoing e-mail controversy after Clinton issued her standard defense.
Speaking to the media after the event, Sanders said the debate was very different from the previous two Republican contests.
Perhaps most important for Clinton, she left many observers wondering whether Biden still has an opening for a late entry into the race. After having barely digested the recent Republican debates, I found it refreshing to be cheering for Bernie and nodding along with O’Malley.
One of Sanders’s less exciting achievements last night is landing in Donald Trump’s sights.
She said the debate wasn’t as enlightening as the Republican debate either. “I will tell you right now, I will not be silenced and we will not be silenced – we must continue to speak out”.
Earlier, asked about the speculation about Castro in an appearance with the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, she praised him and said, “I am going to really look hard at him for anything because that’s how good he is”.