Marijuana Legalization Coming to Canada?
While his opponents described him as “just not ready” during the campaign, it however seemed that Trudeau was in fact born ready, despite the delay in arriving at his current destination.
The centrist Liberals started the campaign in third place but in a stunning turnaround now command a majority.
The Obama Administration welcomes Mr. Trudeau’s victory, even though he has pledged to end Canadian participation in the bombing of Islamic State.
Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, has offered his congratulations to the new Government of Canada, and Prime Minister Trudeau.
The BBC reported that incumbent Conservative PM Stephen Harper has accepted defeat and his party said he will step down as leader.
The internet has been captivated by the new Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ever since the 43-year-old came to power this week.
Trudeau’s inclusive approach is in stark contrast to that adopted by Harper’s defeated Conservative government, which strictly limited participation in delegations to previous climate summits, entirely excluding opposition parties.
“It’s time for change in this country my friends”.
“We will work with communities and with engaged stakeholders to ensure that we get moving on this quickly“.
Which brings us to our concern here in Port Huron.
But it’s not as though Conservatives saw a massive erosion of support.
He said it was an “unbelievable honour to serve as your prime minister”.
The premiers of all the provinces and territories that aren’t facing an election this fall have also agreed to accompany Trudeau.
For the Liberals, the election was a stunning reversal of years of sagging fortunes.
On Monday, the Liberals claimed 184 seats.
“A Liberal government will introduce, as its very first bill in Parliament, a tax cut for the middle class”.
Canada’s Liberal Party gives expression to tolerance in the broadest sense – including a promise to roll back a few of Harper’s more draconian anti-terror measures.
Trudeau has set a high standard.
“The Harper 2020 target is gone”, environmental economist Mark Jaccard of Simon Fraser University said in an interview. “The disappointment you also feel is my responsibility and mine only”.
There is certainly a lot of potential for change with the election of a party with significant numbers behind it.
Monday’s surprising Liberal majority has cleared the path for an invigorated Canadian presence at the United Nations climate conference, known as COP21, that begins November. 30.
Rival identities are not welcome in such an environment – and nearly half the NDP’s seats were in Quebec. Trudeau, only 43, had entered politics only in 2008. Canadian goodwill exists, and this will not change, but the Canadians want a proactive, forward-looking partnership.
So how are we at the local level to judge how they are doing?
Mulcair thanked voters for re-electing him in the Montreal riding of Outremont.
The Liberals have said they will create a task force to design a new system of “strict marijuana sales and distribution”.
Mulcair said he had spoken with the other four federal party leaders before taking the stage. “If it’s going to be rejected, which I think most people think it is, the sooner the better so it can be attributed to Harper”.