Best Buy accidentally sells $200 gift cards for $15
The fine people of Reddit went into a frenzy and started buying up the gift cards left and right. Gizmodo picked up on the news and shared. He added that anyone who purchased the discounted cards will have their orders automatically cancelled.
Check out the slideshow below of Twitter reactions from the Best Buy fiasco.
As listed in the terms and conditions of the site, Best Buy can still cancel your order thanks to a pricing mistake, which this nearly certainly is.
“Unfortunately it’s not really offered for $15”, the representative said. How about when it is worth way more than you paid for it.
Many Reddit and Twitter users posted their spending glory stories.
Some individuals on Twitter say they were later charged the full $200 for each gift card they bought during the $15 sale. “Wonder whether they will honor it though”.
For a blissful few hours Tuesday night, some online shoppers were able to get their hands on $200 Best Buy gift cards for just $15.
Time reports that the issue was first brought to light on Reddit where savvy (dishonest?) shoppers deemed to take advantage of the glitch during the brief interval it was live.
While Best Buy has not publicly commented on the glitch and whether the company will honor the mistake, it’s unlikely customers will ever see their gift cards.