Daylight Saving Time 2015: Did you keep in mind to turn your clock back?
Once you’re done with Trick-Or-Treaters, don’t forget it’s time to Fall Back – set your clocks back an hour – for Daylight Savings Time at 2 a.m. tomorrow.
“In the first week of October, a post was spread on Facebook that claimed you should “… set your clock ahead one hour next Sunday”.
He adds that sleep-wake cycles change as people age, so adults 65 or older may struggle more than others with the time change.
Most people still had to turn back their clocks but mobile devices, including computers, mobile phones and even televisions did it automatically.
A typical person should be able to adjust to the new time change within a day or two, he said. Compared to the 7 percent daily drop in the spring, crime drops 27 percent in the evening hour with extra sunlight. Nonetheless as many people go to bed well before that time, they end up getting up an hour early. During World War II, the name was changed to “War Time”, but accomplished a similar goal.
The arguments for continuing daylight saving time are energy conservation and health – both questionable at best. Assemblyman Chris Edwards, from Nevada, is part of the group that asks for this change -at least on his state.
Residents of Hawaii, most of Arizona and a few USA territories don’t have to change because those places don’t observe daylight saving time. What they found is that once the Daylight Savings Time ends in the Fall, there is a large leap in robberies.
When Daylight Saving Time was first implemented it was so unpopular that in 1919 it was repealed.
The change was aimed to keep Canada’s time changes consistent with the United States, which enacted into law a broad energy bill that extended Daylight Saving Time in the same manner. But China does not observe daylight saving time and, last time I checked, they were about the same general latitude as North America. According to U.S. Department of Energy, energy consumption was only reduced by about 0.03 percent.
That’s a small percentage, but the aggregate number is big enough to power about 122,000 average US homes for a year.
The time change is rooted in an agricultural society, according to Earnest.
What Is Daylight Saving Time And Why Was It Created? .
Farmers wouldn’t be happy to have year-round daylight savings time, but it looks like that’s not the case.