Jeb Bush asks ‘nervous Nellies’ to ‘chill out’
Bush’s tour through New Hampshire coincided with his affiliated super PAC broadening its television advertising plan.
It’s having the patience to wait out the anger among voters that’s boosted billionaire Donald Trump to the head of the Republican race for president. “They’re making their point right now. But ultimately they’re going to elect a president”.
Jeb Bush is desperately trying to reinvigorate his failing campaign.
“It’s not about the personalities on the stage”.
A couple hours later, a few 30 minutes away at a town hall at a senior citizen center in Raymond there were a few clear signs of a campaign looking to get back on track.
Republican Jeb Bush’s campaign revival tour is getting louder and more colorful as he charges across early voting states with a can-do slogan, a tour bus and critiques of rivals who have become threats to his claim as the GOP mainstream favorite.
As much as Poppy Bush scoffs at “the D-word”, as he calls any reference to dynasty, the Bushes do consider themselves an American royal family. “It means 1 in 5 children on food stamps!” he told more than 200 voters at a Tuesday evening cookout. “That’s the new normal?”
If you are a presidential aspirant and you have to tell people that you are a person of integrity – there’s a very good chance that you are not.
Introducing Bush was state Sen. Scott Brown. “We’re not from another place”.
In the final chapter, Bush rejects talk of a Bush dynasty in an email to the conservative Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes and said: “I am not big on talking about dynasties because I don’t think they reflect the service of my granddad, father and brother’s public service”. “I believe I can see what the future looks like”.
The Republican presidential candidate was criticised by French officials following remarks in last week’s televised debate. Marco Rubio. How hard could this be? I know I’ve got a hill to climb.
“I now know that the average French workweek is actually greater than the German workweek”, Bush said Tuesday, according to Time. He went after Rubio for missing votes in the Senate, saying: “Marco, when you signed up for this, this was a six-year term and you should be showing up to work”. And sticking with the message he’s had all along. He doesn’t think Bush’s performance in debates and on the trail has been low energy. Bush has recently taken aim at Florida Sen. “I’m about the most competitive dude in the world”, Bush said.
“The only way you can be an effective leader is to listen, to learn and then to lead, and I can tell stories about what I’ve learned on the stump and what I’ve done as governor and what my life’s journey has been about”. “But I’ve learned two important things serving as your governor”. “I’ve got to train myself to say what’s on my mind rather than what the question is”.
Moquin, an independent, says Bush is among the top several candidates he is considering.
But that’s no longer the case, Bush said, saying everyone in the Bush clan are now “fully onboard”.