Carson Gets No Sympathy From GOP Rivals
“I stabbed him and it hit the belt”!” Journalists could find no evidence of tales Carson told about shielding white students in his high school biology lab from 1968 race riots, or that he was a violent youth who tried to stab a friend.
While Carson said the best thing a potential victim of a shooting can do is rush the shooter, he did anything but that in Popeye’s in Baltimore.
In a 76-second video posted on the retired neurosurgeon’s Twitter account, his staff offers up a top-10 list of Carson’s (innocent and apparently tongue-in-cheek) youthful indiscretions.
“West Point, however, has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission”, Politico reported. During a commercial intermission, Dr. Ben Carson stepped off the debate main stage to greet his 3-year-old granddaughter Tesora Carson as she waved to him while her father cradled her in his arms. “There is something that’s been written in the past, which I’m sure you’re familiar with that says he was born somewhere else”.
“As a cadet, you are a member of the U.S. Army and receive a full scholarship and an annual salary of more than $10,000 from which you pay for your uniforms, textbooks, a laptop computer, and incidentals”, it says.
As Ben Carson tries to move past questions about the accuracy of the stories he’s told about his life, he’s getting no help from his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination.
In the debate, he contrasted his past statements with the evolving explanations Clinton gave for the 2012 terrorist attack on the USA diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, which occurred when she was secretary of state.
We won’t know until the FEC filing deadline if the numbers pan out, of if they’re just pledges, but Carson’s “media woes” seem to have become his biggest asset, both helping him rake in the cash and blotting out a few of his freaky opinions on history from the past week. I have no problem with being vetted. In doing so, I wrote: “The fact that Carson lied about being admitted to West Point is nearly certain to wreck his presidential bid”. “Because you said, ‘If everybody pay this, I think God is a pretty fair guy do tithing is a pretty fair process'”. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.
Politico pointed out that he never received a formal scholarship to West Point, as he had claimed. Carson and Trump may claim they’re as different as night and day, but Carson’s home suggests they might have a lot more in common than they’d ever admit.
Did he get a scholarship offer to West Point? That’s what people do in those situations.
Carson, in short, has mischaracterized what happened in a way that makes things sound more final, and thus more impressive, than they actually were. He himself probably doesn’t even know who those people were.