Google hiring SEO manager: Search ranking improvements needed
Google is so big that even its own company has been swallowed by the demands of search engine optimisation (SEO).
While the job post may sound unusual-since it comes from a company that is deemed the dominant player in search-Google is aware that it can possibly lose its relevance over time. It’s also probably comforting to the SEOheads out there that even Google needs special help to figure out how to navigate its convoluted search engine.
According to Google, it wants to improve its marketing and product pages to drive “organic traffic” to those pages.
This is amusing, of course, because Google shouldn’t need additional help getting its own websites to do well on its own search engine. “You will take part in website development and optimization, help shape blog and social strategy, improve website code hygiene and define web architecture for global websites”, it said in its career website.
In Europe and China, Google’s market share is above 90%.
To qualify, candidates should have a degree in Computer Science or Engineering or have a similar practical experience.
Some smaller search engines, such as Duck Duck Go, are proving increasingly popular because they collect less data about visitors, or pledge to protect privacy.
The requirements for the job are pretty basic (education, experience, that sort of thing), but don’t forget you’ll also need a really good sense of irony to apply.
Excellent problem solving and analytical skills with the ability to dig extensively into metrics and analytics.
In June, Getty Images joined a host of other companies including Microsoft, who say Google has been distorting its search results to favour its own products.
Whoever gets the job will be tasked with helping Google ensure its services are prominently displayed on rivals’ sites as well as its own.
“The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is driving the next wave of cloud computing”.