Small Business Saturday helps Small Business Owners
The day is dedicated to supporting local businesses in communities that create jobs, boost the economy, and preserve neighborhoods around the country.
Small Business Saturday was started by American Express as a way to bring business to locally owned stores just one day after Black Friday. Whether it’s a small gimmick pushed by a credit card company or something real, business owners know it’s the small touches on small business Saturday that can make a difference.
Jeffersonville businesses offered free tote bags and balloons. Mrs. Claus will also make an appearance from 1 to 3 p.m., said store owner and manager Anita Siemer.
“We certainly appreciate the concept of having a day for small businesses”, Siemer said. Sometimes the hardest part about staying in business as a small business comes down the perseverance.
“It’s been a little slow downtown, but I’ve also noticed all the renovated buildings and spaces around”. The shop will feature 40 percent off on certain fall items, along with deals on fresh flowers, McKnight said.
Most small business owners say it’s pointless to open on Black Friday because most of the shoppers will be at the big box stores.
Dibeneditto said they look forward to Small business Saturday, but said sales were down over a year ago.
The small business sector represents 98% of all firms that export goods, establishing the role of America as the world leader for worldwide trade.
The study overall found that locally owned and operated businesses have greater ties to their communities and thus positively affect economic growth, employment and income to a greater degree.
Special offers and discounts are up to each business, according to American Express spokeswoman Alison Hoachlander.