Jeb Bush: Donald Trump “scary”, too “uninformed” to be president
“He’s probably right. There’s no way to say that it wasn’t [broadcast on TV].”
Trump mocked New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, flailing his arms in apparent imitation of the journalist, who has a congenital condition that limits joint movement.
Jeb Bush expressed exasperation when asked yet another question Sunday about yet another outrageous utterance from the man dominating the Republican presidential discussion. If Donald Trump can’t handle Chuck Todd, he is completely unfit to be president.
Bush, like Texas senator Ted Cruz and Florida senator Marco Rubio, has called for Christian refugees to be given priority concerning entry to the United States, a position which President Obama called shameful.
TRUMP: I also heard [it happened in] Patterson.
Political scientist John Sides has written several times about how the media have covered Trump far more extensively than other candidates, and demonstrated the close correlation between his poll numbers and his ratio of mentions in media stories. But after his first speech as a presidential candidate harshly criticized Mexican immigrants, voters who believed immigration was important flocked to him. Polls find Latinos strongly disapprove of his candidacy and his remarks alienated other immigrant groups. Attacks on Trump by other candidates recently have revived such fears.
If Trump wins the nomination, it will be a disaster for the Republican Party.
Fox News reports that Trump has tapped into the national mood on illegal immigrants and that the real-estate mogul’s popularity is therefore not surprising. “Head ’em up, move ’em out”.
There was no indication in the article of thousands or even hundreds of Muslims cheering, as Mr Trump has claimed he had witnessed. “I’m not going to take it back”. “I’m not going to take it back”, he said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.
The Monday event at Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue was rolled back as several African-American religious leaders advertised by the campaign as supporters came forward to say they had agreed only to meet with Trump, not endorse him. “I’ve had hundreds of people call in and tweet in on Twitter saying that they saw it and I was 100% right”, Trump said. Later, he voiced support for a database to track Muslims in the country. So these are people that saw it too, the Washington Post reported it, many people have seen it. Many people Chuck, I’ll tell you, I have a very good memory, I saw it somewhere on television many years ago and I never saw it and it was on television.