Star Wars release scares Boyega
One of the popular rumors regarding the new film is that the film spends a lot of its time trying to track Luke down.
As speculation about Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens continues to build, the actor who plays the original trilogy’s young hero Luke Skywalker has offered some new hints about the future of his character. Abrams have tried to distance “The Force Awakens” from the much-maligned prequel films ever since production started.
“But then you get to the later release range from about 1995 onwards, everyone thought it was going to be collectable and so they hoarded as much of it as they could”.
Over the past couple years, Star Wars fans may have noticed a little pink astromech droid called R2-KT popping up here and there.
Last week, The Channel and Disney XD released two Star Wars: The Force Awakens behind-the-scenes previews which offered a better look at Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux. It’s nothing short of a Star Wars overload.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters December 18, 2015, and those theaters will be filled with attractive people – attractive, because they love Star Wars.
“It reminded me of when I was in Tunisia on the salt flats”.
Boba Fett’s lack of screen time may explain why fans have a cultish devotion to collecting his action figure. It is your hub for all things Star wars, delivering notifications, announcements, themes, emojis and more.
If you don’t have time to watch all the Star Wars trailers, now you do!
“They never made it to the packet because they were a prototype”.
When asked if the new movie is everything that Star Wars fans hope it will be, Boyega told “I think for now, based on what I saw, and based on my experiences on the set, I just don’t know”.
With that considered, it will be exciting to see how Finn handles his big showdown with Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens.