Women of the Senate — sans Warren — stump for Clinton
Almost 200 Clinton Foundation donors lobbied Clinton’s State Department, author Peter Schweizer has found. Clearly, she’s holding out for leverage here.
The book also contains startling details about Bill Clinton getting quite inappropriate with former first lady, Jack Kennedy’s widow, Jackie Onassis.
Clinton has been laying the groundwork with black voters across the nation for years, as early as her 2008 presidential campaign.
But Clinton focused most of her ire on the shooting at Republicans, hitting them on both guns and women’s health.
Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland, had some choice words about Sanders and about Clinton, who many years ago was a Young Republican.
Warren has also declined to endorse Sen.
Sanders campaign, too, is getting sleeker and more refined as he hones in on the issues he seemed to lack in the past, particularly dealing with foreign policy, a subject that he noticeably skimmed over in the last debate.
Her absence served as an awkward reminder of Clinton’s enduring struggle to generate support and enthusiasm among an influential segment of her party’s most liberal members. Thirty-three of 44 Senate Democrats have officially backed Clinton, or 75 percent, while 93 percent of the 14 Democratic women have. His campaign is proof that change can happen, and not some sort of bought-and-sold change we know, but true political reform. One tweet, from conservative columnist Josh Rogin, said: “Subtext of Clinton shouting at Sen”.
Clinton holds a solid lead over Sanders in Iowa after a summer of sliding poll numbers and campaign fumbles.
“Minus the creek rising, I don’t see how they catch up”.
State Rep. Terry Alexander, D-Florence, supported Clinton in “08, but now is backing Sanders, though not because he dislikes Clinton”.
“She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video”, he said.
“O’Malley is the candidate that represents the future….”
Other Democratic presidential candidates, Sheheen added, “have been part of the Washington establishment”. Can you contact your protocol friend in China and ask him if I could get photos of the carpets of the rooms? she wrote to an aide. She received several emails of encouragement during that time.
Clinton likely would draw more opponents to call for probes into the alleged “unethical practices of the Clinton family”, Brown said. “As your president, we’re going to have ladders of opportunity available for anyone willing to work hard”. One said Trump is the “only candidate that understands construction”. The Russian reset turned into a demonstration of stunning naïveté, the Libyan coup of Qaddafi created a terrorist-overrun failed state on the Mediterranean and precipitated a refugee crisis, ignoring security concerns for the Benghazi consulate in its aftermath and unprepared for a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11, and so on.
She often makes fun of herself.
And he donated $2,700 to her campaign this past April.
Some are not opening their wallets because they are not excited about the candidates. “I’m not sure why she wasn’t”, Mikulski said coyly, “Maybe she has a cold”.
The current Hillary-hate is an overture: A fraction of the sheer tonnage of misogyny and dishonesty that’s going to come if and when she wins the nomination.
Some of Clinton’s talking points were unwittingly exposed as the talking points of others. “Just not letting these comments stand, no matter who says them”, Reines said.
Nochman also has not given to Clinton.