Salvation Army Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
However, there was a special outlet this Thanksgiving.
Volunteers with the Salvation Army and Jimmie Hale Mission helped feed Thanksgiving dinner to a variety of people in need, from the homeless to senior citizens.
Emily Medalen tells us how the Minot Salvation Army is doing its part to make that number smaller.
One of the family members says how the Thanksgiving meal helped her and her family. “You see your nieces and nephews, grand kids that are very fortunate … these families aren’t”. “People are working and do a lot of things for people. This is a great place to be”.
Lieutenant Theresa Torr, of the Taunton Salvation Army, said the appeal had already had a good response.
“I went into a deep depression and when my grandmother came to visit she took one look at us and said we had to go home”.
Miss Queen of the Pacific 2015 Kylie Diosa Duenas says, “I’m definitely humbled”.
This marked the first Thanksgiving for the new head of the Lexington Salvation Army, Major Tom Hinzman.
People can apply for assistance, offer to volunteer or make financial donations by going to the East City Corps office between Wednesday and Friday, 11am to 2pm or phoning 535 0847.
More than 200 people were in attendance, according to community development director Shelley Futrelle.
“I’ve lived with some of these people in shelters all across the United States”, Howe said. “I love being here”.
If you stand back and watch in the crowded room inside Lexington’s Salvation Army, it can be hard to know who’s getting the most out of the Thanksgiving meal: those who need the food and company or those who need it to feed their family’s soul.