Carson after camp tour: Absorb Syrian refugees in Mideast
“For instance, you know, if there is a rabid dog running around your neighborhood, you’re probably not going to assume something good about that dog, and you’re probably gonna put your children out of the way”, Carson said, according to Politico.
He “not an adviser”, Carson said, adding that Armstrong Williams, his longtime business manager, also “has nothing to do with my campaign”. And he struck a softer tone.
“The people I talked to don’t want to stay there”, Raddatz insisted. So it is possible to sure this up but we really need to look at the things that actually solve the problem.
Speaking further with ABC, Carson said that the refugees want nothing more than the end of the civil war in Syria, which for the past four years has torn apart the country. They can’t continue that without the help of the global community. However, he argued that he learned that there is much more the USA could do to support the refugees. “So what more can they be doing?” she questioned.
“Today I listened to the life struggles of many Syrians who were forced to flee their own homes”, Carson said in the statement. “They understand here that we are talking about the Jihadists, the Islamic terrorists and it’s very obvious to majority, the reception was quite warm, so maybe they can teach us a little bit about how to interpret language”, Carson said. Perhaps that was what sparked his desire to take a surprise trip to Jordan in order to meet some of the Syrian refugees. Many of those refugees live in squalid camps run by the United Nations, which in 2015 experienced a US$900 million funding shortfall.
GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson has said that he spent time with Syrian refugees at a Jordanian camp over Thanksgiving weekend, where the people told him they would rather go back home, than be relocated to America.
“We must balance safety against being a humanitarian”, Carson said during a campaign stop in the southern U.S. state of Alabama.
A CBS/YouGov poll released Sunday showed Carson slipping below 20 percent in Iowa and to third place behind Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. And less and less refugees are even making it to Jordan in the first place anymore – now that more restrictive border screenings are in place, as well as how much more risky travel in Syria has become.
He continued, “We’re hearing that they all want to come here to the United States”.
The US should focus resources on building up the refugee facilities in Jordan, rather than accepting more refugees and exposing the US to a “population that could be infiltrated with terrorists who want to destroy us”.
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