Costco: FDA tests point toward E. coli in salad vegetables
According to the CD (Centers for Disease Control), chicken salad from Costco has caused an outbreak of E. coli illness in 7 different states in the U.S. sickening 19 people. Among the five people who have been sent for hospitalization, two have developed kidney failure like condition called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).
The illnesses related to E.Coli bacteria has been mostly found in the Western states of Colorado, California, Washington, Utah, Missouri and Virginia. She says the investigation by the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food is complicated because the salad with rotisserie chicken is put together in-store with ingredients from a variety of sources.
“On Nov. 20, Costco reported to the FDA that is was removing its rotisserie chicken salad product from its shelves nationwide and has stopped production until further notice”.
The CDC also gave advice to customers who bought rotisserie chicken salad in Costco Stores in United States on or before November 20, 2015.
The CDC is advising people through campaigns to drop or throw away the chicken salad recently bought, even after consuming a small amount. Then, it was associated to more than 600 cases of salmonella reported in 29 states.
Craig Wilson, Costco’s vice president responsible for food safety, said in a statement that they removed the product from the stores as soon as they were informed by the CDC about the issue on Friday. Bill Marler said the problem appears serious because People were hospitalized in the Chipotle outbreak, but no one developed kidney failure.
McCullough says no deaths have been reported.
The outbreak, which began October 6, has hit Montana the hardest with six confirmed cases there, according to the CDC. The Mexican food Chain Chipotle voluntary closed down 43 restaurants in Washington and OR after more than 40 people got sick from the illness after eating in one of the restaurants. Ill people range in age from 5 years to 84, with a median age of 18.
Colorado health officials said all four people reported sick there have recovered.
The CDC posted this photo of a label from Costco’s chicken salad with its E. coli outbreak update. Illness can be severe and include diarrhea, often bloody, and abdominal cramps.