Hour of Code introduces students to computer programing
During this year’s Hour of Code, students, faculty and staff members and the community will see exclusive “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” footage and learn about the computer coding that’s involved with sci-fi films.
The third annual Computer Science Education Week (CSEW) kicks off this week, with an emphasis on bringing more women and minorities into programming.
Students in all grade levels at Carrollton will be a participating in a one-hour introduction to computer science created to demystify code and help them understand that anybody can learn the basics of computer science.
Catherine Powell, Managing Director, The Walt Disney Company Australia and New Zealand said, “Disney is delighted to partner with Code Club Australia and be part of Australia’s Hour of Code activities through our Star Wars-themed tutorial”.
In the past five years, over 2,200 students from 87 countries have participated in Google Code-in.
“I really want to be a doctor, and I think this is something that could really open up a lot of possibilities in the medical field”, said Theadosia Cox, a Visitation student who took part on Monday’s lesson. Then, they’ll be challenged to write their own line of code using their cell phone, tablet or laptop.
Some students will have the opportunity to learn how computer programming plays into a popular video game called Minecraft.
Since computers control so many things in our lives, knowing how they work will help nearly any career.
Galeas said knowledge of computer coding is a valuable skill to have.
Newly-appointed University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce spent an hour with a small group of students on campus Monday morning going through tutorials on Code.org’s website and learning to code.
“The Hour of Code is really about getting students interested in pursuing a career”, he said.