Huh. Donald Trump Was Right After All
“If it doesn’t show up, it’s going to make him look really bad”.
In the lead up to the event, several black ministers took to cable TV and black talk radio to denounce Trump, the event and many of his remarks on race. “He wanted to get counsel from pastors”, Parsons said. Some, however, did endorse the Republican candidate. “If Donald starts yelling and screaming at me in the middle of a speech, you can be sure that I’ll say sit down and shut up”. “[His tone] works well for where he came from-corporate America, the board room-But I think the leader of the free world has to be a little more sensitive, a little more engaging”.
Trump faced criticism from the black community when he said a Black Lives Matter protester “should have been roughed up” at his November 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala., because “it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing”.
The Republican front-runner said the high ratings from each debate rake in considerable money in advertising.
According to Trump, the pastors discussed a range of issues with him, such as the high unemployment rate among black youth and controversial police shootings.
“Some committed”, Scott said when asked about endorsements.
Trump predicted the television pundits will call him “chicken” if he carries out his threat, but he attached little value to the opinions of the “talking heads, who are not smart people at all”.
“We had 71 incidents, hate crime incidents, that were investigated between September 11 and September 27”, said Kerik. “He did say at the conclusion of the meeting that he heard everything that we said”. There was also supposed to be post-meeting news conference.
The crowd cheered as he reiterated his lead in the national polls.
“This was an extraordinary meeting of religious leaders, many of whom have made a decision to endorse me – such a great honor”, Trump said during an impromptu statement following the meeting.
However, later that day, Carson’s campaign released a statement saying that he was not standing by his earlier statement.
“I would sit down with Trump on my terms”, she said.
Well, we shall see what happens.