Majority of Americans Oppose Trump’s Anti-Muslim Plan
Ben Carson has warned “if the victor isn’t our nominee, then we have a massive problem” and Trump is again warning he could make a third party run that would nearly surely mean a win for the Democratic candidate.
Earlier this week, Trump said the us should bar all Muslims from entering the a measure to prevent terror attacks, “until our country’s representatives can figure out what’s going on”.
The majority of respondents-57%-said they were not happy with Trump’s plans to ban Muslims from the United States, but 25% supported it. Among Republicans, the responses were split: 39% against the ban and 38% in favor.
Trump told the Wall Street Journal he is skeptical about Netanyahu’s rejection of his comments about Muslims. “True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion”, says former boxer who’ll always be known as “The Greatest”.
A group of GOP leaders held a hush-hush meeting at a Washington, DC, restaurant to discuss the possibility of having a brokered convention next year so that they could find an alternative to Donald Trump, according to a report. Trump’s incendiary comments on ethnic minorities and differently abled people have provoked criticism, but his significant fan base often lauds his apparent disdain for political correctness.
When Trump questioned which “sports heroes” he was referring to many brought up Ali, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Detroit Lions running back Ameer Abdullah and Mike Tyson, who previously said he was a Trump supporter. The more the United States appears to be targeting Muslims, not just radical Muslims, you can be sure that ISIS will be putting that on their social media campaign.
The survey also found that 41% of those polled believe that Trump’s campaign remarks are frequently insulting and have the wrong focus.
The poll was taken largely before his statement on Monday afternoon proposing to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the US.