IPhone 7 rumors: Big design changes rumored for the new phone
Updating to the latest version will enable iPhone 6S and 6S Plus users to access quickly and launch a voice search and also have access to options of either opening a new regular browsing tab or an incognito mode-private browsing tab.
JetBlue has released a new app for iPad and updated apps for iPhone, Apple Watch and Android devices as part of its strategy to improve passengers’ digital experience and simplify the travel process. Users who have already bought the Solar Walk 2 app can now access it on the Apple TV by heading to the Purchased section on the set-top box. However, some have not and it appears that Apple is evidently trying to reach them. But it’s the closest thing you can get to 3D Touch without a whole new touchscreen with the tech built in and in practice it works very similarly to 3D Touch in Instagram. Everyone loves shortcuts! But in practice, 3D Touch is only saving you one or two taps at best. How precise? 3D Touch can measure pressure so accurately that it can actually weigh items that you place on the iPhone’s screen.
The pop-up ads seem targeted at people using an iPhone 5s or an earlier model, and may have been enabled by the recent release of iOS 9.2, a software update which The Cheat Sheet recently reported adds significant improvements for several apps, including Apple Music, Apple News, iBooks, and even the Safari web browser.
The arrival of the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in September brought about modest internal changes to Apple’s highly popular smartphones. Others with email app updates include Yahoo Mail, and Readdle’s Spark.
Kuo adds that the iPad Air 3 will not be having the 3D Touch feature because of “production issues within Apple’s supply chain”. The app requires iOS 7.0 or later versions and is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. To use the feature, iPhone 6s and 6S Plus users can press the home screen icon for options that will help them make a new email or list an event for a calendar.