Star Wars fans unite as the ‘force awakens’
Here in Northeast Wisconsin people started lining-up early this morning outside Bay Park Square’s Marcus Cinema before the sun even came up.
Fans had been camped outside of the Wehrenberg 14 for days waiting to see this movie.
Abrams really had no intention of ever making a Star Wars movie, and wanted to concentrate instead on smaller, avant-garde projects about cowboys eating pudding. I do have a couple of masks, but since you can’t bring them.
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has already shattered box office records with more than $100 million in pre-sale tickets.
These hardcore fans were the first in line with a tent, table, and food to last the day.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
“I’m probably Obi Wan Kenobi’s older brother”, jokes Richard Schadewald who is decked out in a Jedi robe for the tonight’s showing.
Asked if any movie had been given such an opening anywhere, Joshua Sievers, a managing director for Carmike, said: “That answer is no. Some theaters have done marathons”, showing the same movie over and over again, but an opening like the one planned for “Star Wars” is a first. “I’m just excited to finally see it”, said Ryan Kikkawa.
Both Urie and Yonak said Star Wars fans aren’t the type of people to get upset at something, in the long run, that’s insignificant.
But while the newest addition, The Force Awakens, comes on the heels of the three disappointing prequels for the franchise.
“I haven’t heard anything negative so I’m really jacked really stoked”, adds Vazquez.