Tim Peake Gives News Conference From Space
In a related report by the Inquisitr, Tim Peake recently made history as the first British astronaut to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) as a member of the European Space Agency (ESA).
It took place so the astronauts could fix a stalled component called the “mobile transporter” – a rail auto that moves a robotic arm up and down the length of the space station.
As he does not have the time to reply to each message individually, he wrote: “The support for our launch was outstanding, and I want to thank each of you for the #GoodLuckTim messages”.
His duties during his six months on the ISS will include unpacking cargo from a spacecraft, spending an hour on the exercise bike and taking part in an experiment investigating the effects of radiation on bone marrow.
He said that the space station management team will be meeting on Sunday, December 20 to decide whether to go ahead with the spacewalk on Monday or delay it until Tuesday. The 43-year-old first Briton astronaut said he ate bacon sandwich as first meal on the space station.
We’d popped out for about an hour to see our daughter who lives nearby, came home to an answerphone message, “hello, this is your son from the International Space Station”.
Year five teacher Mrs Gatiss said: “Engaging with this exciting mission has given the children an fantastic insight into Tim Peake’s mission, and has also deepened their knowledge of the solar system”.
During the live event Peak was peppered with the questions that naturally arise about life in outer space: How do you shower?
Asked whether he was still planning on running the London Marathon in space, Major Peake said: “Absolutely, yes”.
Here are four ways you can be sure you’ll be amongst the first to know what’s going on.
Major Peake acknowledged that he was in a very privileged position, but said he would miss seeing his friends and family on Christmas day.
“On the morning of Tim’s launch, 300 Cadets gathered at the Science Museum and graduated to become “Agents” of Unlimited Space Agency”.