Star Wars The Force Awakens: Rey’s Visions Further Explained! [Spoiler]
Incredibly enough, some viewers think they’ve already figured out the answer – thanks to an apparently huge clue hiding at the end of the Force Awakens playset in Disney Infinity: 3.0.
Since writing that article a friend shared with me an interesting new possibility: What if Rey was the daughter of Supreme Leader Snoke? This reminds me of how Chancellor Palpatine slowly and inexorably seduced Anakin Skywalker to becoming his Sith apprentice, turning the young Jedi against his best friend, Obi Wan Kenobi, and even his wife, Padme Amidala.
Having a “complex female character” is all well and good, but while Rey’s central role is incredibly important, it’s isn’t the real triumph for women in The Force Awakens.
J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars universe is exhausted of waiting-and it’s exhausted of explaining things to you. It may largely retrace the steps of the original trilogy, but it matters whose feet are doing the stepping. Could Rey (Daisy Ridley) be the daughter of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)?
Killing off Han Solo certainly qualifies as bold.
“I know Kung Fu!”
“You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open”, Rey tells the stormtrooper, played by the “Spectre” star. Often but not necessarily this character is recognized as an author insert and/or wish-fulfillment. As Tasha Robinson wrote at the Verge, “We wouldn’t be worrying about Rey’s excessive coolness if she were Ray, standard-issue white male hero with all the skills and all the luck”.
I also expected solid characters and a great story-and I left the theater feeling underwhelmed.
Whereas Darth Vader (SPOILER!!!!), his grandfather on his mother’s side, maintained exquisite control over his dark powers until his final reconciliation with the Force and his son Luke, Ren is not entirely in possession of his own emotions, and it is perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious part of JJ. So it might also be possible that her family might not have wanted her to become a Jedi and discover the force.
And when she picked herself up, snatched that lightsaber from under Kylo Ren’s nose, and launched a fierce attack on her former captor, the child in me realised this film’s hero – the would-be Jedi who was going to do the rescuing -really FINALLY was going to be the girl. After she saves the Millennium Falcon from self-destructing by performing an ad hoc fix, she beams with pride and then, after a beat, frowns in puzzlement.
And while I’m at it, who was that old man at the beginning, Lor San Tekka? She’s the authorial insert into the greatest, most expensive piece of fan fiction that has ever been created.
Furthermore, Ridley doesn’t want the fame to get into her head. And while this is Kylo Ren/Ben Solo’s ultimate irredeemable act, from his point of view – a certain point of view – it is a moment of personal triumph like the one Luke had in sparing his own father in Return of the Jedi.
And will this rematch unfold in Episode VIII?
The film’s delayed release date may also help, as Chinese viewers see the success overseas first. If just one planet in our system were to explode, all the others would fall out of orbit and life as we know it would be O-ver.
Thirty-eight years ago, when the first “Star Wars” came out, consumers were limited to the channels in their cable package, the films at their local theatre and in video stores, and the books in their local libraries and bookstores.
He wasn’t the first to take issue with the evil First Order’s Death Star-like Starkiller Base (they have this much technology and no security cameras?) but pointed out how it wouldn’t have only wiped out the Republic as it did in the film, but much more.