7 drink weekly limit in new alcohol guidelines
“Although the risk of harm to the baby is low if they have drank small amounts of alcohol before becoming aware of the pregnancy, there is no “safe” level of alcohol to drink when you are pregnant”.
“Drinking any level of alcohol regularly” can up risk of cancer and other diseases, Britons are told. “The links between alcohol and cancer were not fully understood in the original guidelines, which came out in 1995”. While that doesn’t change anything for women, past recommendations had set limits for men at about nine glasses of wine or beer a week. People should also not “save up” their units and drink them all in one or two goes, according to the guidelines. Moderate drinking, defined as up to two drinks a day for men and one for women, is “associated with increased risk of breast cancer, violence, drowning, and injuries from falls and motor vehicle crashes”.
The guidance says pregnant women should avoid alcohol altogether as there is no evidence for a “safe” drinking level in pregnancy.
“Drinking any level of alcohol regularly carries a health risk for anyone, but if men and women limit their intake to no more than 14 units a week it keeps the risk of illness like cancer and liver disease low”, Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer in England, said in a statement.
“The claim that there is no safe level of drinking flies in the face of the weight of studies showing that those who drink moderately have better or similar health outcomes to teetotalers”, Rob Lyons, the group’s campaigns manager, said in an emailed statement. While most studies focus on the effects of alcohol consumed over weeks or months, the committee nonetheless suggests limiting levels of drunkenness on any one occasion.
The previous advice to limit intake to 1-2 units of alcohol once or twice per week has been removed to provide greater clarity as a precaution. This is equivalent to six pints of beer, seven glasses of wine, or 14 single shots of spirits. The review has found that alcohol benefits on heart health only apply to women who are at least 55 years old.
Avoiding risky places and activities, making sure you have people you know around, and ensuring you can get home safely.
Lax control of retail sales and cheap alcohol has fueled a rise in binge-drinking, which Prime Minister David Cameron once declared a national scandal.
For the first time, guidelines include advice on single episodes of drinking to keep short-term health risks to a minimum, including drinking more slowly and with food while alternating with water.
Just over one and a half bottles; five 250ml glasses; around seven 175ml glasses; 10 125ml glasses.