Trump Rally in Vermont Attracts Protesters
Donald Trump on stage during his event at the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts in Burlington, Vermont, Jan. 7.
Burlington City Councilor Joan Shannon refused to declare herself a Trump supporter and also was barred.
Trump explained his thinking in a statement: “We have more than 20,000 people that showed up for 1,400 spots”. “They’re afraid to lose their jobs”. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) described Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as a “pathological liar” and said he anticipated his popularity will wane. Why do you think the other Republicans our not coming up here folks. “We built a wall around it.'” Williams said it’s usually pretty dead this time of year, especially with college students away on vacation. “I knew I was gonna have some in Vermont in all fairness”, Trump said. “Deductibles are through the roof”.
“So you don’t like him? You have to”, he said.
Donald Trump is taking the gun rights advocacy to a new level by suggesting that communities would be safer if more individuals carried weapons to protect themselves.
“Obamacare is a dead duck”. “The Republican Party in Virginia keeps losing. I’m so upset and angry with the Republicans”. When he said he didn’t know, he was asked to leave.
“We need our guns, whether we like it or not”. These were incredible people.
Folks lined up around the block in the heart of Bernie Sanders country.
We asked Burlington Police Chief Brandon del Pozo how he thought event security was handled overall. Do we like Bernie? But with Trump in town, he said a lot of people stopped in for a bite to eat. “He wants to tax at 90 percent”. “Get ’em out of here”, Trump said.
The RLI program is geared at something the GOP has long struggled with: Making newcomers, particularly urban minorities, feel the party has a place for them in a big tent – as opposed to leaving them, literally or figuratively, out in the cold.
“They came up, screaming at (Sanders), and he retreated, and they made the speech”. I’m gay. If he becomes president he’s probably going to reverse all that happened. Trump says that students on campuses in gun-free zones are nothing more than “bait” to sickos. One thing in common – they both spoke on the issue at separate events Thursday night. Saying they welcomed the political discourse Trump would bring, they also shared concerns for the safety of those hoping to attend the event.
“He speaks his mind and doesn’t beat around the bush”.
When she told a Trump staffer at the entrance that she was not a Trump supporter, Martenis said the staffer tried to deny her entrance, calling it a “private affair”, but she was allowed in after she said she wanted to hear what Trump had to say. “I think the more people see, the less support he will have”. But, “I have my mind set on Hillary”. “I’m giving everybody an equal chance”, she said.
Chants of “Bernie, Bernie” came from protesters.
“No”, the majority of the crowd shouted.
But as the disruptions continued, Trump’s patience appeared to wear thin. Trump hinted at the recent California, Paris and San Bernardino attacks, and stated that had there been looser gun control laws in these areas, the mass shootings could have been prevented.
Closing out the evening, Trump vowed to change America’s direction. In debates or in front of TV cameras, Mr Trump, 69, never hesitates to offer himself as the incarnation of the American Dream, the one candidate capable of “Making America great again”, as his campaign slogan runs.