Pics of deformed mountain lion in US goes viral
A photo released Thursday by Idaho Fish and Game shows the big cat had another set of fully-formed teeth and whiskers growing out of the top of its head. “It’s a freaky situation and a weird photo”.
It came to the department’s attention after it was shot at by a landowner, who saw it attacking a neighbor’s dog.
After the conservation officer who inspected the animal sent in photos of the lion’s deformity to Idaho Fish and Game’s Southeast Regional Office in Pocatello, wildlife biologists were stunned by what they saw.
Second, it could be what’s left of a conjoined twin that possible died in the womb and was absorbed by the mountain lion.
A mountain lion with an unusual physical deformity was reportedly found in southeast Idaho. These kinds of tumors are composed of tissue from which teeth, hair, and even fingers and toes can develop.
Conjoined animals are very rare in nature, but there have been instances of it among humans. It’s simply something Fish and Game biologists have never seen before.
Others have offered up the theory that it could be something called a teratoma tumor which is of Greek origin and translates to “monster tumor”. In general, only one mountain lion can be harvested by a hunter in any given year. The wild feline ran off, but his tracks were able to be followed onto other properties and into the hills. The dog survived, but a hunter set off in pursuit and killed the big cat a few hours later. Idaho Fish and Game hopes that they can bring the cougar back in for X-rays and a more detailed analysis.
Biologists have requested permission to further examine the mountain lion, but the hunter has not responded. They can only be pursued during certain seasons in areas that are open to hunting and have the proper license and tag.