Obama executive orders wrong way to ‘change’ laws
On Thursday night, President Barack Obama printed an oped in the New York Times, making an argument for “common sense gun reform”, following a week where he is campaigned for more stringent gun control. Some, including the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other pro-Second Amendment advocate groups, say the proposal doesn’t target the actual problems surrounding gun violence. The most recent statistics on gun-related deaths and injuries among children is 3,000 and 7,000, respectively. There are emotional as well as rational positions on both sides. In this case only Kauffman may have a clue as to the origins of this hatred. Two of those guns later showed up at a shootout that killed a U.S. Border Patrol agent. If you don’t want a background check, then what are you hiding? He has defended himself against attacks over his gun votes by pointing out that his rural state, Vermont, has some of the nation’s most lax gun control laws.
Currently, gun dealers with federal licenses are required to conduct a background check on an individual before selling this person a firearm.
We wish Obama well in his efforts to inject some sanity into the discussion on gun control south of the border. Are they really just collectors who are trying to unload a couple of guns? He might have added the notion that “gun-free zones” contribute to public safety is a fallacy as demonstrated by the OR school shooting by a man who apparently took advantage of knowing there would be no one with a gun to resist him because people at the school abided by the law and he didn’t. Either way, it lacks teeth compared to Obama’s gun control bill, which failed to get through the Republican-dominated Senate in April 2013.
We leave one seat empty in the First Lady’s State of the Union Guest Box for the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice – because they need the rest of us to speak for them. “However, FAN applauds the President for doing what he can within his legal abilities”.
Although Obama’s order doesn’t entirely close the gun-show loophole, an overwhelming number of Americans – 89 percent according to a December Quinnipiac University poll – favor “a law requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online”.
But Obama is not the sole force in gun control.
Have you ever noticed how these gun zealots can so aggressively define and fight for their Constitutional right to own guns-as many as they want and from whatever source they wish to come by them-without restrictions as simple as having a background check or registering a gun? “I don’t think you’d get any argument from anybody in our store”.